Contact & address

Darrell Kaufman directs the AAGL. He has studied amino acid racemization beginning with his dissertation research at the University of Colorado. He specializes in using amino acid racemization to determine the ages and paleotemperatures of Quaternary marine and lacustrine deposits.

Jordon Bright (PhD, University of Arizona, 2017) manages the AAGL. His research expertise includes using ostracodes assemblages and geochemistry to reconstruct Quaternary paleoenvironmental changes in western North America.

Lab location
Building 17 (lab science facility), rm 226

928-523-7834 (Lab)
928-523-7192 (Office)

Package Delivery
School of Earth & Sustainability
624 S Knoles Dr. – Ashurst (Bldg 11) Rm A108
Northern Arizona University
Flagstaff, AZ 86011-4099